
Wednesday, 22 May 2019

How long have there been wars?

How long have there been wars?

Have you ever wondered how long conflict and war have been happening?

Well since the beginning of the human race there’s been conflict of some
sort, but the question is. When did war start? Well people as well as me,
don’t know exactly when war started.

Historians believe the first recorded war was back 2,700 years B.C.
between king Elam, Enmebaragesi of Kish and Sumer, but that’s not

Around 117 archeologists have found the remains of viking soldiers,
some of which had broken bones, or arrowheads enlodged into their
bones symbolling the wars and battles they’ve been in and whether or
not they died during the war or a long time after is unknown but, do we
really need to know that? Anyways.

I believe wars have been happening for over thousands and thousands
of years, and the sad thing is still happening now, today

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

My letter

My letter

Dark, it’s very dark, there are dead bodies everywhere.
Families that have lost their husbands, sons, brothers, fathers and more.
I just want it to be over, to be safe at home, to not worry and jump at Every. Single. Sound. I. Hear. I want to be home with you my beautiful wife and kids, sitting around a warm fire making ever new memories to cherish forever. I can’t wait to see you again. Too feel all your hugs and kisses, to hear the kids laughter throughout my day. To just be home and with the people I love. I can’t tell you guys how much I love you, let’s just say.. A lot. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you hopefully very soon. Yours sincerely
- Dad

Thursday, 9 May 2019

My goals

Math's - My Term 2 Math's goal is to focus more on my school work in class and not to get off track. I'll achieve this goal by sitting next to people I won't lose focus with and I will know when I've achieved this goal when I'm not losing focus.

Literacy - My Term 2 Literacy goal is to advance my knowledge and expand my vocabulary. I will achieve this goal by taking in what I learn and noting it down in my work book.

Religious Education - For My Term 2 RE goal I will learn how to manage my time better. I will achieve this goal by completing my set tasks in the given time.