
Thursday, 17 May 2018

Te Aupouri

Te Aupouri

The mihi

Topatopa ana te manu tau ana te titiro ki nga au moana,
ki nga mau o Te whenua,
ki nga ana tawhito i ahu mai ai nga tupuna i wawauatea
ki nga takahanga
i mahue iho i te hunga wairua ka ngaro ki kawaiki-nui,
hawaiki-roa, kawaiki-pamamao Huri
noa ki te whitinga o te ra-ko Ra-ai e ahuru ai te iwi o
Te Aupouri I oona maniania ona awa, oona Tahorahoa
ana te huanui hei hikoi ma tatoa kei runga ko te whetuu
hei ara taki kei rero ko te tapuwae kei whai
patoro ana te wheiao ki te wheiao ki te ao-marama!

E nga mana e nga reo, o nga whanau, nga
hapu, o tira te iwi whanui,tonu o Te Aupouri, he
mihi aroha tenei ki a koutou katoa, ten koutou katoa
e nga reo, o nga huri noa i te ao. Kainga huri noa,
huri noa, huri noa i te ao. Ka nui te roa, Ka
nui te taimaha o nga whiriwhiringa korero
i waenganui i to tatou iwi me te karauna i pikauhia
ai e nga whakatupuranga hei painga moo nga uri
whakaheke. Heoi ano ra, kua eke nui tatou ki te taumata
e kitea atu ai te ara ki tua.

Koia ra ka pupu ake te aroha i te hokinga o nga
mahara ki nga marohirohi i kawea ai enei
tumauako i roto i nga tau kua pahika, te hunga na ratou
nga nawe, nga aue a te iwi i whariki atu ai ki mua i te
aroaro o Te karauna.

E nga hoa aroha hua okioki nei i nga mahi,
moe marire mai. E kore rawa koutou e warewaretia
e nga uri. Kati, te hunga mate ki te hunga mate-haere,
haere, haere ki a tatoa, nga waihotanga iho a ratou ma,
tena ano tatou katoa.

Ehara i tetahi ahua te nui o ngā mahi i mahia ai.
Nō reira ka mihi ki te hunga katoa i whakakotahi
mai ai i ō koutou ngoi, i ō koutou whakaaro, ki tēnei
kaupapa nui whakaharahara. Tēnā koutou i tō koutou kaha,
i tō koutou manawanui. Heoi anō rā e te iwi, kei a koutou
iāianei nā te kōrero nui – āe rānei, kāhore rānei koutou e
whakaae koia tēneki ko te huarahi mō tō tātou
iwi. Nō reira, āta kōrerongia – kia mārama ai,
āta whiriwhiringia – kia tika ai, ka tuku ai i ā
koutou pōti – kia mana ai. Tēnā koutou, tēnā
koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa

This is the Te Aupouri mihi I wrote it in maori to be more
respectful & I got this information on this website link


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  2. The tooth is the bird
    Looking at the seas,
    to the ends of the earth, to the old paths
    Ancestors arrived in Wawauātea
    For events that left spiritual people
    Disasters in Hawaiki-nui, Hawaiki-roa, distant Hawaiki
    Almost until sunrise - it is Rā-nui,
    Rā-roa, Rā-taikaha
    It is designed to protect the people of the Australian people
    Its flags, its flags, its valleys, its mountains
    Lending the way for us to walk
    The star is on the guide
    Below is the footsteps to follow
    The button is powered by a button
    It will come to life, and to the world in the world-light!

    The powers, languages, families, hapū, and the general public of Australia, thank you all. All of you, parents, mothers, pops, live in your homeland, around the world. In the long run, there is a significant amount of negotiations between our people and the Crown that generations are involved in for the benefit of the growing generation. However, we have reached the level to find the way back.

    However, love grows as a result of the memory of brave people who have achieved these expectations in the past few years, who have experienced the problems and disorders of the people who have been pushed forward. before the Crown.

    Dear friends have been starving, relaxing, and relaxing. You will never forget the seed. Dead, the dead to the sick - go, go, walk. To us, let's put it on, but all of us.

    It does not matter how much the work done. So thank all people
    combine your skills, ideas, and ideas into this important topic
    great. But be ye in your strength, and in your patience. However
    people and people, now you have a great deal - yes, no, not
    It recognizes that this is the way for our people. So, carefully - let's
    clarify, carefully evaluate - to justify and post your election - to justify it.
    Please, please, all of us.
