
Thursday, 31 May 2018

Ngait Kuri

Ngati kuri

What does the tribe name Ngati Kuri mean?

Kuri means dog.

“A traditional account explains why this tribe was named Kuri which means dog. Many generations ago these people besieged a strongly fortified pa. Unable to take the pa b direct assault,they constructed a whale from dog skin and hid beneath it on the beach. Bone, blubber and meat were surprised and heavily defeated. Traditions variously place this event at Manga Piko in Kapowairua Bay, Whangatauatea near Ahipara or at Waitaha, between Herekino and Whanape.

A different account tells of a feast of dogs on Motu,Whangaikari Island in Parengarenga harbour, for the funeral of the chief Ihutara.”

Who is the rangatira of the Ngati Kuri tribe?

Ngati Kuri are descended from the original inhabitant,the founding peoples of the northernmost Peninsula of Aotearoa, in Te Hiku o Te Ika. these people known also as Te Iwi o Te Ngati were already occupying Te Hiku o Te Ika before the arrival of the many migratory waka from polynesia their ancestor was Ruatamore. Ngati Kuri also trace their Whakapapa to the Kurahaupo waka which first made landfall in Ngati Kuri rohe at Rangitahua, the kermadec Islands.

The ngati Kuri ancestors of ancient times laid the foundation for Nga Uri, their descendants as expressed in the following whakatauki.Ko takoto ke nga korero a nga matua mo te whenua . the foundation of manawhenua was set by the ancestors of ancient times.

These ancestral linkages affirm Ngati Kuri as tangata whenua.

Where does Ngati Kuri tribe cover?

The mana and the rangatiratanga of Ngati Kuri extends over all the whenua and the adjacent moana. The Ngati Kuri rohe is generally described as north of a line from manga tohoroha ( mt carmel ) in the east to Hukatere in the west and extending north -west to motuapao, across to Te Rerenga wairua and then east to murimotu and including islands of manawatawhi ( the three kings) and rangaitahua (the keremadecs)

Why did Ngati kuri change there name from theri original tribe name Ngati Awa?

They changed their tribal name from Ngati Awa to Ngati Kuri because they wanted to remember how they sacrificed their dogs to save them

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