
Thursday, 31 May 2018

Te Rarawa

Te Rarawa

Te Rarawa share’s a 6,000 year history of traversing the vast southern Pacific oceans. Te Rarawa ancestry flows from it’s tupuna & Tawhaki, toi, kiwa whose lineages can be traced from numerous pacific locations to living Te Rarawa communities of today. Perhaps the most important icon of Te Rarawa prehistory is Māui who is credited with discovering Te Ika a Māui giving rise to the very first name of our region Te Hiku o Te Ika a Māui, The Tail of the Fish of Māui. Te Rarawa genealogy descends from Māui and the Māui attributes are throughout our culture and cultural institutions. Māui, who was born of people but raised by the divine elements, ended an era that we barely understand today by losing a battle with death that cannot now be won.

Kupe the explorer ancestor introduces the next period of history. Kupe is a well remembered and understood ancestor of all Māori people and with one of his wives, Kuramarotini, renamed Te Ika ā Māui, as Aotearoa. Kupe initiated the first rites of manawhenua in Aotearoa. This was achieved by the discovery, installation of tapu and the naming of numerous locations throughout Te Hiku o Te Ika and Aotearoa. Kupe and his descendants brought with them an ancient model of Polynesian social organisation contained in sacred Whare Wānanga and based on values derived from common Polynesian understandings. After circumnavigating Aotearoa and part of Te Waka ā Māui (the South Island), Kupe returned to the North to finally depart Aotearoa after about fifteen years. The naming of Te Hokianga Nui ā Kupe (Hokianga Harbour) commemorates this event and cements the first chapter of Te Rarawa history in Aotearoa between 650 and 950 AD.
at Motukaraka on the Hokianga Harbour represents the hapū of Ngāi Tūpoto and Ngāti Here. It also has close associations with Ngāpuhi. Hapū interests in land include Tapuwae, Motukaraka, Pūrakau, Tautehere, Manganuiowae, Taraire, Te Karae, Pikipāria and Tauteihiihi.

                    I think that Fortnite is a bad game                                                 because…..

Fortnite is the new hit game. Where you can be in a team, duo or single. And what you need to do is be the last one standing. And to do that you need weapons,  materials, virtual skills & to know how to use a controller. And you try to win the game.

Over 7 million people play Fortnite at a time. I think Fortnite is a bad game because one you don’t you who your talking to behind the screen so you could be talking to anyone anywhere. Secondly people spend hours just sitting in front of a screen. Thirdly people work to pay for stuff they don’t need. Fourthly people rage for nothing an example is this boy lost the game and he and another player were the only ones left and he threw something into a glass door or window. finally it can ruin peoples relationships. so in conclusion I think Fortnite is a bad game.  

Ngait Kuri

Ngati kuri

What does the tribe name Ngati Kuri mean?

Kuri means dog.

“A traditional account explains why this tribe was named Kuri which means dog. Many generations ago these people besieged a strongly fortified pa. Unable to take the pa b direct assault,they constructed a whale from dog skin and hid beneath it on the beach. Bone, blubber and meat were surprised and heavily defeated. Traditions variously place this event at Manga Piko in Kapowairua Bay, Whangatauatea near Ahipara or at Waitaha, between Herekino and Whanape.

A different account tells of a feast of dogs on Motu,Whangaikari Island in Parengarenga harbour, for the funeral of the chief Ihutara.”

Who is the rangatira of the Ngati Kuri tribe?

Ngati Kuri are descended from the original inhabitant,the founding peoples of the northernmost Peninsula of Aotearoa, in Te Hiku o Te Ika. these people known also as Te Iwi o Te Ngati were already occupying Te Hiku o Te Ika before the arrival of the many migratory waka from polynesia their ancestor was Ruatamore. Ngati Kuri also trace their Whakapapa to the Kurahaupo waka which first made landfall in Ngati Kuri rohe at Rangitahua, the kermadec Islands.

The ngati Kuri ancestors of ancient times laid the foundation for Nga Uri, their descendants as expressed in the following whakatauki.Ko takoto ke nga korero a nga matua mo te whenua . the foundation of manawhenua was set by the ancestors of ancient times.

These ancestral linkages affirm Ngati Kuri as tangata whenua.

Where does Ngati Kuri tribe cover?

The mana and the rangatiratanga of Ngati Kuri extends over all the whenua and the adjacent moana. The Ngati Kuri rohe is generally described as north of a line from manga tohoroha ( mt carmel ) in the east to Hukatere in the west and extending north -west to motuapao, across to Te Rerenga wairua and then east to murimotu and including islands of manawatawhi ( the three kings) and rangaitahua (the keremadecs)

Why did Ngati kuri change there name from theri original tribe name Ngati Awa?

They changed their tribal name from Ngati Awa to Ngati Kuri because they wanted to remember how they sacrificed their dogs to save them

Thursday, 17 May 2018

bio poem

Bio poem
    Daughter of Sophie & Mark, sister of kaidence & Taryn
Who loves, kiaido ryu martial arts, sports & music
Who feels, happy,sad,excited
Who needs, sleep, mother, grandparents, food & water
Who gives, love, hugs & kisses
Who fears, mannequins, spiders, the dark & bullies
Who would like to see/meet,  joseph morgan & go to LA california
Who dislikes, bullies, doing school work, lies

Te Aupouri

Te Aupouri

The mihi

Topatopa ana te manu tau ana te titiro ki nga au moana,
ki nga mau o Te whenua,
ki nga ana tawhito i ahu mai ai nga tupuna i wawauatea
ki nga takahanga
i mahue iho i te hunga wairua ka ngaro ki kawaiki-nui,
hawaiki-roa, kawaiki-pamamao Huri
noa ki te whitinga o te ra-ko Ra-ai e ahuru ai te iwi o
Te Aupouri I oona maniania ona awa, oona Tahorahoa
ana te huanui hei hikoi ma tatoa kei runga ko te whetuu
hei ara taki kei rero ko te tapuwae kei whai
patoro ana te wheiao ki te wheiao ki te ao-marama!

E nga mana e nga reo, o nga whanau, nga
hapu, o tira te iwi whanui,tonu o Te Aupouri, he
mihi aroha tenei ki a koutou katoa, ten koutou katoa
e nga reo, o nga huri noa i te ao. Kainga huri noa,
huri noa, huri noa i te ao. Ka nui te roa, Ka
nui te taimaha o nga whiriwhiringa korero
i waenganui i to tatou iwi me te karauna i pikauhia
ai e nga whakatupuranga hei painga moo nga uri
whakaheke. Heoi ano ra, kua eke nui tatou ki te taumata
e kitea atu ai te ara ki tua.

Koia ra ka pupu ake te aroha i te hokinga o nga
mahara ki nga marohirohi i kawea ai enei
tumauako i roto i nga tau kua pahika, te hunga na ratou
nga nawe, nga aue a te iwi i whariki atu ai ki mua i te
aroaro o Te karauna.

E nga hoa aroha hua okioki nei i nga mahi,
moe marire mai. E kore rawa koutou e warewaretia
e nga uri. Kati, te hunga mate ki te hunga mate-haere,
haere, haere ki a tatoa, nga waihotanga iho a ratou ma,
tena ano tatou katoa.

Ehara i tetahi ahua te nui o ngā mahi i mahia ai.
Nō reira ka mihi ki te hunga katoa i whakakotahi
mai ai i ō koutou ngoi, i ō koutou whakaaro, ki tēnei
kaupapa nui whakaharahara. Tēnā koutou i tō koutou kaha,
i tō koutou manawanui. Heoi anō rā e te iwi, kei a koutou
iāianei nā te kōrero nui – āe rānei, kāhore rānei koutou e
whakaae koia tēneki ko te huarahi mō tō tātou
iwi. Nō reira, āta kōrerongia – kia mārama ai,
āta whiriwhiringia – kia tika ai, ka tuku ai i ā
koutou pōti – kia mana ai. Tēnā koutou, tēnā
koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa

This is the Te Aupouri mihi I wrote it in maori to be more
respectful & I got this information on this website link